Our Services

Counseling Methods & Techniques

Our style of counseling is collaborative, where the individual needs of each client informs the mode of treatment. The relationship between counselor and client is key to the healing process, and we offer warmth and compassion that promotes a safe atmosphere for exploring life’s difficult issues.

We help our clients address underlying, or root issues, so they can become free from the issues they are facing.  This creates an opportunity to move beyond coping and begin living with purpose.

Our ultimate goal is to help you summon the courage to face your concerns so that you can experience happiness, wholeness and purpose in your life and your relationships.

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Family Systems Therapy:

This approach to therapy views problems within the family as the result not of particular members’ behaviors, but of the family’s group dynamic. The family is seen as a complex system having its own language, roles, rules, beliefs, needs and patterns. The therapist helps each individual member understand how their childhood family operated, their role in that system, and how that experience has shaped their role in the current family. Therapists with the MFT credential are usually trained in Family Systems therapy.

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Polyvagal & Sensorimotor Modalities:

Many anxiety, trauma and depressive disorders can be linked to a dysregulated nervous system. Polyvagal and sensorimotor modalities provide a deeper understanding of the nervous system and how certain techniques can help regulate the body. This work helps clients move from states of distress, panic and fear back to a sense of safety and calm.

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This approach to therapy draws upon various aspects of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic methods to create a custom-made approach. Such therapists often work with their clients to create a treatment plan that encompasses different techniques to best address the client’s particular problems and to appeal to their sensibility.

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IPT is psychotherapy in which therapist and client identify the issues and problems of interpersonal relationships. They also explore the client’s life history to help recognize problem areas and then work toward ways to rectify them.

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Marriage/Relational Therapy:

Marital and relational therapists work with couples both together and individually to help them improve their communication skills, build on the positive aspects of their relationships, and repair the harmful or negative aspects. Relational therapy offers strategies to combat marital dysfunction and restore harmony in relationships. To repair discord, the therapist identifies the main conflict upsetting the couples’ emotional intimacy. Once the partners see how they both contribute to the problem, the therapist teaches them skills to improve the ways they relate to each other.

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Cognitive Behavioral:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy stresses the role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. The therapist assists the client in identifying, testing the reality of, and correcting dysfunctional beliefs underlying his or her thinking. The therapist then helps the client modify those thoughts and the behaviors that flow from them. CBT is a structured collaboration between therapist and client and often calls for homework assignments. CBT has been clinically proven to help clients in a relatively short amount of time with a wide range of disorders, including depression and anxiety.

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Christian Counseling:

Meridian Counseling Services has select therapists that specialize in incorporating faith and biblical principles within the therapeutic process. This can include prayer, the navigating spiritual journeys, working with church hurt, and spiritual abuse.  While this lens is offered to those that want Christian Counseling, all of our therapists also offer open and non-judgmental support to individuals from all walks of life.

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Lifespan Integration:

Lifespan Integration is a gentle, body-based therapeutic method which heals without re-traumatizing and gives the client new insights about lifelong patterns resultant from the past trauma. For more information visit: http://www.lifespanintegration.com

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Limbic System Retraining:

This is a limbic retraining program that restores the brain and brings healing to those who suffer from MCS, EHS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia.